Gratitude & Thanksgiving

“Gratitude is what you feel. Thanksgiving is what you do.”
― Tim Keller

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, and think of the many things for which we are grateful, does it seem like a day is not enough

Does a celebration of gratitude deserve more than a single day or a specific time? Is true Thanksgiving more a mindset reflecting gratitude for life and for the people in it? Is gratitude really a philosophy of life in itself?

If we are truly grateful at Thanksgiving, why is there often, so much stress, as families get together? Does the stress reflect a lack of gratitude or is it more related to the excess baggage that many of us carry around through the years.

“We must find the time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”–John F. Kennedy

Can Thanksgiving also provide the opportunity to think about our blessings and the value of family, friends and loved ones?

Do you live with a mindset of gratitude? Despite differences and past experiences do you value family and friends for who they are and what they have meant to you? Is there something that you can do to expand your practice of Thanksgiving into a continuing mindset of gratitude? What habits will you cultivate to do enable that possibility.

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