

What instigates the great game of second guessing? Sometimes, is it the realization that decisions are producing unwanted and maybe unnecessary results? At other times, does second guessing actually occur before the results are even known?

Read More Second-Guessing?


What makes team sports so intriguing to participants and fans? Are people drawn to the excitement of great competition? Do they appreciate the teamwork that is often displayed? Is the dual influence of competition and cooperation exhibited in team sports a lesson for all of us, in our own lives? Is it only about winning and losing, as hyped so much by the media? In actuality, are their more values demonstrated and more lessons to be learned?

Read More TEAMWORK? Hockey?

the Impact of Teachers?

Upon reflection, do most of us realize how much we value and appreciate our teachers and what they helped us to learn? Would this include not only those who taught us during our formal education, but others from whom we learned or are learning? If learning is a process, do we continue to gain new teachers and new insights as we live our lives?

Read More the Impact of Teachers?


How do we know? In the current contentious state of our culture and society and with the seeming lack of any accountability on social media, how do we discern fact from opinion, the accurate thought from the inaccurate?

Read More Discernment?