Safety Nets?

Parents want to protect their children and help thm to grow and develop! They want to protect them from harm!

To protect them, can parents put safety nets in place? Can they layer them in a virtual “bubble-wrap”? Can they nudge them out of the nest, so they can fly?

Is there a difference between fostering growth and development and preventing them from failing? Do we learn by failing? Did anyone ever learn to walk without falling?

“We shouldn’t turn the safety net into a hammock. It should actually be a safety net.”–Steve King

Can trying to protect children sometimes, be a hindrance to growth and development? Is this true for all of us, not just children?

Are we required to choose between protection and freedom, between bubble wrap and free flight? Does the safety net provide a balance? Allowing for falling, but not too far?

Do you personally, tend to develop safety nets, bubble wraps or free flight? Do you believe that the path to learning is not a smooth road? Do you need bumps in the road to grow and develop? Is this an issue of growth verses fixed mindset? Do you believe in falling, but not too far?

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